About Me
Hello everyone! I'm Jessikah, and I'd like to thank each and every one of you who have given my web page a look! I'm incredibly excited to be exploring this road of birth work with new and experienced mamas.
I was born at home, and therefore was raised by a family that was very open about birth. And my love for the beauty of it has only grown through the years.
I realize many people have questions about what exactly a doula is and does. I hope to clear up my personal beliefs on the definition here for you, but of course I will answer any specific questions as well.
Some think it's another, more casual sort of midwife. And while some of the supportive duties overlap, that is not the case. The “medical” side isn’t our expertise. A doula isn’t there to assist the midwife, but to be of assistance to the mother.
A birth doula is supposed to
Be a friend.
Be a source of knowledge and wisdom when you’re looking for information about procedures, their risks and their benefits. As well as techniques to help make labor comfortable and efficient as possible.
Provide reassurance and perspective, to you and your partner.
Have your back, sometimes literally. Assisting you to have the most satisfying and empowering labor possible, the way you define it.
Help keep you on track with your birth plan when at all possible.
Be a source of strength to draw from in your vulnerable moments.
Encourage and guide your partner to take an active role in supporting you.
A birth doula should not
Preform clinical tasks like fetal monitoring, vaginal checks, blood pressure checks, etc.
Take the place of your partner as the primary support person.
Act in an adversarial way with the rest of the birth team.
Make decisions for you. We discuss beforehand so you know what you want so I can help encourage you to use your voice. You’re the one in charge of your body.
Guarantee a particular outcome. Birth is never the same twice, not matter how experienced you are. No matter the outcome, I’ll be there to support you.